Introduction to Ember.js Routable components

Routable Components is used to replace Controller in the component-centric model for Ember.js 2.0, more details can refer to this RFC.

Edit (6/8/2015): Add method which use route to render routable components.

This is a rough introduction to Routable components as #11939 had merged to canary. The syntax is subject to change. There are two way to use routable component, without route or with route.


1. Use Ember.js canary build
Edit bower.json then run bower install (details)

"dependencies": {
  "ember": "components/ember#canary"

2. Enable experimental features
Edit config/environment.js.

var ENV = {
  EmberENV: {
      'ember-routing-routable-components': true

3. Add new component:

ember g component home-route

As ember-cli not yet support component without hyphen. You need to create component named home-route for example.

Method 1: Component without route/model

1. Declare routable component
Edit app/components/home-route.js

export default Ember.Component.extend({
  isGlimmerComponent: true,
  name: 'Home'

isGlimmerComponent flag is used to avoid naming collisions with existing components and name is for logging.

2. Add content

Edit app/templates/components/home-route.hbs

<p>This is {{name}} route.</p>

3. Edit app/router.js {
  this.route('home-route', { path: '/' });

Route name is the same as component's name.

Method 2: Render component in route's renderTemplate

1. Add route

ember g route home

2. Render component in route

Bug should be fixed in #12154.

Edit app/routes/home.js & Remove home template (templates/home.hbs)

App.HomeRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  renderTemplate() {
    this.render({ component: 'home-route' });

You can also pass model to component in model:

App.HomeRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  model() {
    return {
      name: 'Home'

3. Add content

Edit app/templates/components/home-route.hbs

<p>This is {{}} route.</p> 
